General Information
- Library staff in the Non-Print Media Department are responsible for scheduling and proctoring exams/quizzes
- Library proctoring services are reserved for students with accommodations and must be arranged through the designated test coordinator of the college at least one week in advance
- OUHSC student proctoring needs are prioritized, followed by requests from other OU students
- Other proctoring requests may be accommodated as scheduling allows
- Proctoring services are provided Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (requests outside of these hours are dependent upon staff availability and must be approved in advance)
- An exam is not considered scheduled until a confirmation is received from
- Requests are processed in the order they are received and space is limited
Exam Proctoring Request
Special Circumstances
- Due to staff availability, exam start times may overlap
- Students are expected to enter/leave the testing area as quietly as possible so that no disruption is experienced by individuals who are already testing
- Students will be notified by the test coordinator if they are taking the exam in this type of environment
- If the proctored exam start time is before the scheduled class start time for the exam, and the student being proctored completes the exam before the class begins taking it, the proctored student will be expected to wait in the testing location without access to electronic devices until the scheduled class start time
Students - Exam Day Information
- If you are taking an online exam/quiz, you are expected to use your personal laptop
- You will need to bring a student ID or government issued ID to be admitted
- Arrive at least 15 minutes before the exam begins to allow time for check-in procedures
- No cameras or recording devices will be allowed
- After checking in and prior to testing, students must place all non-testing related items in a designated location; these items include but are not limited to the following:
- Cell phones & smartwatches
- Bags, purses, and wallets
- Food (including gum and candy)
- Hats, sunglasses, and keys
- Drinks in sealed containers are allowed
- With exception to religious attire, students must remove all head coverings while testing
- The testing environment is typically considered cold, please dress accordingly
Academic Integrity
- Students are responsible for managing their time to ensure that they complete their exam/quiz within the allotted time
- Students may use a silent timer, a wall clock, or a non-smart watch to monitor their time
- Library staff are unable to provide time warnings; this is not a valid excuse for working past the allotted time
- Students continuing to work on an exam/quiz after the allotted time has expired may be subject to penalty under the University's Academic Integrity Code
- Library staff maintain the right to examine all articles of clothing and items entering the exam space; any unapproved items will be confiscated and the instructor may be notified
- Students who knowingly violate exam/quiz policies and procedures and/or the University's Academic Integrity Code are subject to suspension of accommodations and may be banned from taking exams/quizzes at the Library
- Students with special accommodations may have exceptions to specific policies